There are many training courses and qualifications available to yacht crew. Once you are on board, there are opportunities to develop and progress. A can-do attitude and willingness to learn are good starting places. However, you will need some specific qualifications, and there are training schools that can help determine what you need.

Deckhands start with an STCW95 and an ENG1 (or equivalent seafarer medical). A Power Boat Level 2 tender driving licence (PBL2) is useful. The next step is to aim for an RYA Yacht Master Offshore. Continue taking qualifications as you move up the ladder. You can decide later whether to work towards yachting or commercial qualifications.
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Yacht Engineers
The basic yachting engineering qualification is the AEC. Both deck and engineering qualifications require specific amounts of documented sea service before you can sit written and practical examinations. Note sea miles in a logbook available from the PYA. Engineers with qualifications from other countries can apply to the MCA for a Certificate of Equivalent Competency (CEC).
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Yacht Chefs
As well as existing professional qualifications, chefs must have the Food & Hygiene Level 2 certificate. The Ships Cook Certification is needed for commercially operated vessels with 10 or more crew.
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Interior crew
Interior crew need a Food & Hygiene level 2 certificate; previous hospitality experience is a bonus for these roles. Interior training courses under the G.U.E.S.T. will give you a grounding in service and housekeeping.
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